So I have a problem with some of you smokers out there. I know you have an addiction, and I'll give a minor pass to those of you over forty who smoke because you probably started before you had any idea that it might kill you one day. But for those of you who are under forty and grew up with surgeon general warnings and ad campaigns: I think you're fucking idiots if you smoke. I grew up with smokers; both my dad and stepdad smoked all the time (and cracking a window in a car doesn't do much for the small child sitting next to you by the way). My father smoked up until the day before he passed away from throat cancer, so I can understand it's hard for you to quit (again I'm only speaking to the over-forty crowd here, for the others see the fucking idiot note above).
But smokers now you're beginning to piss me off. Do you know what really attracts cigarette smoke? Paper. And paper is the basis for books, which are items that I like to borrow from the library. What's not fun in borrowing certain books is that I get that smell of ash permeating the air when I'm trying to read and a lingering smell on my hands afterwards. I refuse to purchase used books that are from smokers' homes, but unfortunately that can't happen with library books since usually I'm checking them out because I'm too broke to buy. Now I've always wondered why some smokers smell like smoke and others don't; I think it must be some sort of body chemistry that I may never understand. But no matter what smokers' stuff always smells like smoke, and it reeks.
So for those of you who smoke but also have a love of borrowed literature: please quit smoking around the library books. Or you know just quit smoking; that works too.
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