31 October 2011

i just want to talk about the book!

So I experienced my first book group the week before last.  I was so excited to be in the room with 8 other women who had read the same book as me.  Most of the time I don't even know 1 person who has read the same book as me. :)

This month's book for the group was Room by Emma Donoghue, which I'd been wanting to read since it came out but hadn't had the chance.  I was not disappointed as it was an amazing book.  I finished it in one long sitting and was so excited to talk about it.

Not to spoil the book (if you read the book back you'll get an idea of it), but it deals with a disturbing subject in an amazingly joyful way since it's told from a 5-year-old point of view.  But instead of talking about the book, this group of women kept going off on these weird tangents (random assortment including kids not getting picked up from marching band practice, children getting run over in China, and talking to teenage boys about statutory rape laws...) that had nothing to do with the book.

I was trapped on a couch for over 90 minutes, and the book was talked about for probably a grand total of 12 of those minutes!  So frustrating, but I hope that next month's book will be talked about instead of the tangents galore of this one.

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