Since 2012 has been rather hellish for me, I've decided to kick 2013's ass before it starts. There are going to be big changes in short periods of time; I may not even be living in the same state by the end of January. I resolve to do a bunch of stuff, and I have hope that a few of my resolutions will be achieved.
I do know that I can go all out when I put my mind to it. See for proof all the Christmas presents I've churned out in the past two weeks. That's right, just two weeks. And even though it's December 23, I'm going to get a whole quilt top done for Christmas day (granted it won't be quilted or bound yet, but having a quilt top to unwrap is better than nothing).
2013 is going to be my year, and I refuse to acknowledge otherwise. It can't get worse than 2012, so it's already off to an amazing start. Just eight more days and about half an hour, and I will be off...